Booking summary

Sat 10 July

Sold out - *SOLD OUT* Messy Play – Strabane – Under the Sea

Time 10th July, Saturday 11:00am - 12:00pm
Address Fountain Street Community Centre, Fountain Street, Strabane, UK View map
Phone 07875137557

Re-opening – COVID-19

To keep everyone safe we are operating with reduced numbers, with additional safety measures in place.

We are continuing to monitor government guidelines and if classes or events are unable to go ahead, we will offer a full refund or class voucher.

Pre-Booked Classes & Events Only

To allow for social distancing you MUST pre book your place online. At booking please provide the details of both yourself and your child. We can only accept a MAX OF ONE ADULT PER CHILD AT THIS TIME. If you have any questions about this please contact your class leader.

When you visit

  • Hand sanitiser will be provided.
  • We ask that you bring your own face shield or mask IF it is made a mandatory requirement by the government at the time you are attending.
  • A safety briefing will be given at the start of your class or event to explain any changes we now have in place.
  • We ask that where possible you avoid bringing your pram (due to storage space) to the facility and bring a car seat instead if needed.

New Safety Measures

Please Do Not Attend if you are unwell. We ask that if you or your child/ren are showing any symptoms of Coronavirus such as a high temperature, persistent cough or a change in your sense of taste or smell you do not visit.

We have reduced numbers to comply with social distancing guidelines and we have introduced enhanced cleaning regimes. Please help us to keep you safe by following hand sanitising instructions, any advice from members of staff at the centre or your class leader. If mandatory all class leaders will be wearing face shields or masks.

We will continue to follow government guidelines and make changes where necessary.

We thank you for your support during this time.

General Health and Safety: 

Safety of all Little Mess members is paramount. Your child(ren) remain your responsibility while at Little Mess classes, events and parties and must be supervised throughout (if you leave the room for any reason, please take your child with you).

Please make your Little Mess Leader aware of any food allergies or food intolerances prior to the session. E.g. Lactose, dairy or wheat intolerance.

We politely ask that members do not attend if their child is suffering from a contagious illness. Whilst we endeavor to clear all spillages as soon as they have occurred, some of the materials can cause the play area to become slippy so please, NO running.

All materials are made in the knowledge that they are to be played with under a parent / carer’s supervision. We advise that members bring jelly shoes to wear. We appreciate your help in trying to avoid unnecessary / intentional pouring of materials outside of their immediate play areas so that everyone enjoys the experience.

Little Mess accepts no liability or responsibility for any belongings including clothes that are stained, marked or damaged. Please note that the paint may stain. The materials used in Little Mess sessions are all sourced from trusted suppliers / high street retailers / well known supermarkets and are provided in the knowledge that parents and carers supervise their children while they play with them. Whilst all the materials we use are non-toxic, we’d rather the children refrained from eating them.

Due to hire charges, preparation and material costs, payment is non-refundable. Please sign in to the event or class upon arrival. Please notify your Little Mess Leader as soon as possible if you aren’t able to attend a Class or Event that you have booked on to.

Little Mess reserves the right to cancel a Class or Event without refund in circumstances beyond our control (i.e. adverse weather conditions, closure of venue, staff illness). Although we will endeavor to run catch up Classes or Events . If Little Mess is unable to offer a catch up Class or Event, then refunds will be given. If you have any further queries, please contact your Little Mess Leader.

Photo Consent; Little Mess Leaders may take photographs or video clips at sessions. This footage may be used on the website, Facebook pages and marketing materials. If you do not wish to have your child’s photograph taken, please inform your leader when you sign in at the Event or Class.